give hope

Give Hope Today

Your generous donation allows all of our services to remain free of charge to women and families facing unplanned pregnancies. Any amount makes a difference and provides hope for life.


Paige was 12 years old when she started dating her boyfriend. They were together for 2.5 years when they found out she was pregnant. Not feeling ready at all, she called into Zoi Medical Clinic (formerly Corona Life Services) to set up an appointment to verify if she was really pregnant. After receiving a free pregnancy test, a nurse sat down with her and told her she was pregnant. The nurse showed videos on all her options and discussed each one with her. She shares, “I was more on the edge of like I don’t know if I want to have a baby by myself. I don’t think I can do this by myself because I was 14 at the time. I just kept thinking about school and my life. I felt like my life was going to be over.” Then, she came in for her second ultrasound and was very nervous. Paige was at the point of her pregnancy where she would be able to hear her baby’s heart beating. The nurse started the ultrasound and as soon as Paige heard her baby’s heartbeat, she began to cry. She shares, “From that second, I knew this is my baby and I’m going to keep him." Paige continued with her pregnancy and took our free parenting classes that she felt helped her in preparing to be a parent. Paige says, "The world was telling me that my life was over, but I knew I had to take responsibility.”

We are grateful for Paige's bravery to share her story.