give hope

Give Hope Today

Your generous donation allows all of our services to remain free of charge to women and families facing unplanned pregnancies. Any amount makes a difference and provides hope for life.


Briana was 26 years old and had just moved out of her father's house and into a friend’s house. She had no money saved up and was living life day to day. One day she realized she hadn’t had her period. Briana and her boyfriend decided they needed to make sure she wasn't pregnant. She recalls that life-changing moment: "I took a test and in seconds two lines came up… it was positive." She was freaking out because she didn’t have insurance nor did she really know what to do regarding this baby. Briana says, "We weren’t ready to be parents and we were scared. I felt like my life was over."

One day a close mom friend offered to take her to Zoi Medical Clinic (formerly known as Corona Life Services). She accepted and knew that she could at least talk to someone about all her options and also get the chance to have an ultrasound done. That day when Briana walked through those doors, she said, "I felt safe... I felt like everything was going to be ok." She met with a lovely nurse who took her and her friend back. She says that the ultrasound is what made her decide she wanted to keep her baby and that there was no other option. She says, "My baby wasn’t a little nugget; he had arms and legs! And he was tall!! I knew there was no way I could have an abortion or even do adoption. I cried, but happy tears. Something about being able to see that life inside of you is truly a blessing and a miracle!"

That day she told herself she was going to get insurance to help take care of herself and her baby. Briana finishes by saying, "I can’t thank Zoi Medical Clinic enough. It was all free which I was truly grateful for. I definitely recommend them to anyone and everyone. I hope my story helps others know it’s going to be okay, and that everything is for a reason. Life is truly beautiful especially when you get to spend it with a mini, best-friend version of yourself."

We are grateful for Briana's strength to share her story!