give hope

Give Hope Today

Your generous donation allows all of our services to remain free of charge to women and families facing unplanned pregnancies. Any amount makes a difference and provides hope for life.


Jada and her boyfriend were 23 when they found out they were pregnant. She hadn’t gotten her period for about a week and knew something was off. She took a pregnancy test and her boyfriend was there. They looked at the positive pregnancy test and felt heartbroken. Jada thought it would be a positive experience, but she just kept asking herself, "What are we going to do?"

She grew up religious and was very Christian and she felt like she had failed the plan she was supposed to do in life. After having the conversation with her parents, she felt helpless, and she didn’t have insurance. She couldn’t afford a regular doctor and didn’t know where to go. She shares, “I remember one night I was completely heartbroken and sobbing and I didn’t know what to do. What direction am I supposed to take? I just remember the Lord putting it on my heart to look up “free pregnancy clinic.” So, I did and the first thing that came up was Zoi and it was just like a dream. I thought it was like a joke like there’s no way. I called the next day and right away there was so much love felt through the phone. Everyone there was just so positive. We didn’t feel like we needed to be ashamed. Everyone wrapped their arms around us and reminded us that this is a blessing.” For Jada, that's when everything became real.

Jada reminded herself that she had always wanted to be a mom and the Lord was giving that very thing to her. After her appointment, the nurses at Zoi would call and check up on Jada to see how she was feeling. She recalls that she and her boyfriend felt very supported during that time. Now, it has been almost a year, and her daughter is going to be one years old. She says, "The moment I became a mom, I thought 'You’re my goal. You’re the reason I wake up every morning, and I do all these things just to be Saylor’s mom. It’s the best thing in the world. It’s amazing to look back and think it started out so negative and then now I can’t picture my life without her. She’s my gift."

We are grateful for Jada's strength to share her story.